Name Level Start NPC
Prepare for trade (3/3)
15+ Vollodos
Red Gem Necklace (1/3)
15-20 Sumari
Red Gem Necklace (2/3)
15+ Sumari
Red Gem Necklace (3/3)
15+ Sumari
Crystals of Fire and Ice
17-23 Katerina
Destroy Plague Carriers
18-24 Ellenia
Catch the Wind
18-23 Rizraell
Sweetest Venom
18-23 Astaron
Path of the Warrior
19+ Auron
Path of the Human Knight
19+ Sir Klaus Vasper
Path of the Rogue
19+ Bezique
Path of the Human Wizard
19+ Parina
Path of the Cleric
19+ Zigaunt
Path of the Elven Knight
19+ Sorius
Path of the Elven Scout
19+ Reisa
Path of the Elven Wizard
19+ Rosella
Path of the Elven Oracle
19+ Manuel
Path of the Palus Knight
19+ Virgil
Path of the Assassin
19+ Triskel
Path of the Dark Wizard
19+ Varika
Path of the Shillien Oracle
19+ Sidra
Path of the Orc Raider
19+ Karukia
Path of the Orc Monk
19+ Gantaki Zu Urutu
Path of the Orc Shaman
19+ Tataru Zu Hestui
Path of the Scavenger
19+ Pippi, version: 2.7.CL.P. Created by Gaikotsu for ©